Sushi Otaku Quick Bites and Insights

Have we been eating sushi incorrectly all along?

 It would appear, according to Ka-Me brand crackers, that we have been eating our maki sushi wrong this whole time!

WWF Living Planet Report offers dire news for sushi lovers

The Report On Seafood The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) publishes the Living Planet Report every two years. A special edition was published in 2015 delves into the deeper implications of the 2014 report on our world’s oceans, and with it comes alarming and dire...

From Zero to Hero: Six popular foods that used to be for peasants

If you know much about sushi's history, you might have heard that tuna used to be considered peasant's food in Japan. Bluefin toro is one of the most expensive fish in the world, and is universally considered a delicacy. The only people who ate it in ancient Japan...

Invasive Species Profile: Tiger Prawn (or what’s happening to ama ebi?)

Only ten percent of the global shrimp market is sourced from the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, but they remain important areas for the global ebi and ama-ebi market. The Gulf of Mexico region is important for consumers who wish to have seafood sourced in a...

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