What exactly is Mexican sushi? Mexican sushi is the unlikely combination of Mexican cuisine and Japanese sushi. When...
Sushi Otaku Quick Bites and Insights
Naked Sushi: The so called “art” of Nyotaimori
Nyotaimori, or Body Sushi is the bizarre practice of eating sushi off a woman Nyotaimori restaurants will paint the...
Can You Use Medium Grain Rice for Sushi? – The Sushi FAQ
Must You Use Short Grain Rice For Sushi? In a pinch, we have all asked if medium grain rice can be used for sushi. Is...
Sushi And Disappointment
I've been disappointed many times at various restaurants, but I really think it's the worst to be disappointed when...
Holiday Sushi
Well, holiday sushi only in the sense that we're in the holiday season I guess... My birthday was December 24th and my...
Decisions, Decisions…..
How do you decide where to go? A colleague of mind has invited me to a dinner at one of two different sushi-yas in NYC...
The Sushi Bar Experience
I like sitting at the sushi bar at a restaurant. Tables are fine, but when I really want to get into things I sit at...
Take-out Versus Eat In
I'll eat sushi any way and chance I get. I end up eating a lot of take out simply because it's easy and with two young...
What will you do when there is no more bluefin tuna?
How will you feel when there is no more bluefin tuna sushi? No maguro. No toro. While I tend to rant a bit when it...
The Origin of the California Roll
Ah, the humble California roll. While I often refer to this as the "Big Mac" of rolls, it is actually quite tasty,...
New Bluefin Tuna Price Record
And we have a winner! Today, January 5th, 2011, a 754 pound bluefin tuna was sold in the Tsukiji Fish Market in Japan...
An Evening of Sushi at Home
As I do on occasion, last weekend I decided to make sushi at home. We had some friends over, supplied the fish and the...