Are You Eating Seafood Caught Legally? Black market seafood makes you wonder which restaurants you can really trust....
Sushi Otaku Quick Bites and Insights
GreenWave’s revolutionary sustainable fishing practices
How many Green Wave farms does it take to feed the world? GreenWave's sustainable fishing practices will make you...
Futomaki rolls for big appetites – Aka Jumbo or Big Boy Rolls
Futomaki is a delicious type of Japanese sushi that is very thick. Visually, think of your favorite maki rolls...
Unveiling the Secrets of Authentic Japanese Sushi
The Difference Between Authentic Sushi In Japan and Sushi Around the World Explore the world of sushi, and you'll...
More Omakase insights from a Redditor
I'm an avid Redditor. If you don't know what that means... Well, I'm a reader and contributor to a social-oriented...
Why you should make sushi at home
Reasons To Make Sushi Yourself Sushi lovers are often awed at the skill and art it takes to create sushi at...
What do QR codes have to do with sushi?
QR codes and sushi are not usually referenced in the same sentence, but they could be the next tool to promoting...
Sushi Restaurants Mislabeling Fish
Sushi Mislabeling If More Pervasive Than Thought In an earlier post we discussed the findings of a study created by...
Seafood Fraud – Are You Getting What You Are Paying For?
With Sushi, You Can't Always Get What You Want When you are buying seafood, you want to know you are getting exactly...
Massive Bluefin Tuna Caught Off Nova Scotia
Marc Towers and Neil Cooke came to the coast of Nova Scotia with a goal: catch a bluefin tuna. Clocking in at an...
Fujiya – Vancouver BC
A Quest For Sushi It was one of those cold November evenings, the wind screaming and the rain falling from the sky as...
Sushi – My Energy Food
Going on vacation with someone who doesn’t like the same foods as you can turn into a real headache. Luckily, my...