The Condition of Bigeye Tuna Stocks If you were skeptical with the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation's...
Sushi Otaku Quick Bites and Insights
The Tsukiji Fish Market is Moving
The Tsukiji fish market is the largest and most extravagant in the world. Located in Tokyo, Japan, this bustling...
Sushi lovers may rejoice as juvenile bluefin tuna harvest is halved
The State of Bluefin Tuna Bluefin tuna is highly prized, fetching prices in the tens of thousands of dollars for a...
Sushi – The Traditional and the Non-Traditional
I have touched on this topic before, but I was looking at my spider roll (soft shell crab) the other night and thought...
Befriend Your Itamae (sushi chef)
The Role of The Itamae And Why Friendship Is Valuable Generally when we go out to eat we are friendly enough with the...
White Tuna – Sushi Confusion
Even with "white tuna," not everything is always as it seems. For a myriad of reasons, restaurants will often sell...
Sushi As Fast Food
I love going out to a great sushi-ya and sitting down to a nice, appealing meal. Served properly, sushi is art as well...
Making Maki (or How To Make Sushi At Home)
Life is hard. Making sushi at home is harder. The other evening I decided it would be fun to make some maki for...
Uni – Goop of The Gods
The Urchin Arrival About 6 or 7 years ago I started this website and it was merely a hint of its former self. It...
Sushi Yasuda
Traditionally Served Sushi Isn't A Limited Experience I went to Sushi Yasuda in New York City last night and oh boy!...
Leftover Sushi
As usual, I did take-out sushi on Monday evening (it's a once a week thing in my house) and this time my eyes were...
The Raw Fish Phenomenon
My birthday is coming up in a few days and my wife asked me what I wanted to serve when my family comes over to...