Sushi Otaku Quick Bites and Insights

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Sushi

We all love sushi, and as with many meals you eat in a restaurant or as take away, there are always small mysteries that one never really thinks about. Some of these mysteries aren't anything that one needs to be concerned about, but some..... Well, may be surprising....

Is bigeye tuna feeling the same overfishing pressure as bluefin?

The Condition of Bigeye Tuna Stocks If you were skeptical with the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation's (ISSF) status of

The Tsukiji Fish Market is Moving

The Tsukiji fish market is the largest and most extravagant in the world. Located in Tokyo, Japan, this bustling market supplies the world with the highest quality product via overnight flights. At a cost of more than $4 billion dollars, the massive market is going to...

Sushi lovers may rejoice as juvenile bluefin tuna harvest is halved

The State of Bluefin Tuna Bluefin tuna is highly prized, fetching prices in the tens of thousands of dollars for a single fish in famed yearly Japanese auctions. One such bluefin tuna sold for an incredible 1.76 million in 2013, a price which reflects the status and...

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